The Oil Market to 2030 - Implications for Investment and Policy

The report discusses the oil market outlook up to 2030, focusing on implications for investment and policy. It highlights the expected growth in global energy consumption, the shift towards natural gas and renewables, and the dominance of OPEC in oil supply growth. The report also addresses the impact of higher oil prices, policy changes, and the importance of energy security and sustainability. Market-oriented policies are suggested to address challenges in the oil market.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

International Association For Energy Economics

Authors: Mark Finley
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved analyzing historical trends, current market dynamics, and future projections based on BP's Energy Outlook 2030 and Statistical Review of World Energy. Assumptions on changes in policy, technology, and the economy were made through internal and external consultations to develop a projection for world energy markets to 2030.

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Key Insights

The research explores the oil market outlook up to 2030, emphasizing the continued growth in global energy consumption, the rise of natural gas and renewables, and the significant role of OPEC in oil supply growth. It discusses the impact of policy changes, higher oil prices, and the importance of energy security and sustainability. The report recommends market-oriented policies to tackle sustainability and security challenges.

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