The Police and the Military: Future Challenges and Opportunities in Public Safety

The convergence of police and military roles presents opportunities and challenges for public safety, with implications for recruitment, training, technology, and public perception.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Futures Working Group

Authors: Mary O’dea And John Jarvis
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved analyzing the convergence of police and military roles, focusing on recruitment, training, technology, public perception, and legal aspects. The study examined the benefits and challenges of this integration for public safety, considering the distinct missions and cultures of both institutions.

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Key Insights

The integration of police and military functions has grown due to shared goals and challenges. Both institutions focus on protection, service, and adapting to new threats, but they maintain distinct missions and cultures. Recruitment, training, and technology exchange are key areas of convergence, yet public perception and legal considerations must be managed carefully to maintain trust and effectiveness.

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