The prolongation of the health crisis and its impact on health, the economy and social development

This report examines the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on health, the economy, and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean, highlighting the region's vulnerability due to structural inequalities and weak health systems. It emphasizes the need for a transformative recovery with equality and sustainability, focusing on strengthening health systems, increasing public investment, and enhancing regional cooperation.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Carissa Etienne, Alicia Bárcena
Geographic focus: Latin America, Caribbean
Page count: 37 páginas.


The research method involved analyzing the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for health, society, and the economy. It also included defining potential short-term control scenarios and elaborating on recommended long-term actions to strengthen state capacity in health response and recovery.

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Key Insights

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted Latin America and the Caribbean, claiming nearly 1.5 million lives and causing significant economic contraction. The region's historical weaknesses in health systems and structural inequalities have exacerbated the crisis. This report by ECLAC and PAHO provides an update on the pandemic's evolution, potential control scenarios, and long-term actions needed to strengthen state capacity to respond to health needs. It stresses the importance of universal health care, increased public health spending, and regional cooperation for a transformative recovery that fosters equality and environmental sustainability.

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