The use of high-frequency indicators in short-term forecasting models: The case of Latin American and Caribbean countries

This report examines the use of high-frequency indicators in forecasting short-term economic growth in Latin American and Caribbean countries, highlighting the benefits and challenges of this approach.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Sandra Manuelito
Geographic focus: Latin America And The Caribbean
Page count: 28


The research utilized a nowcasting methodology, applying dynamic factor models that incorporate high-frequency data to forecast quarterly GDP growth rates. This approach allows for the inclusion of various indicators with different release schedules and addresses issues like missing data and mixed frequencies.

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Key Insights

The report explores the application of nowcasting methodology to generate accurate quarterly GDP growth forecasts in Latin America and the Caribbean. It discusses the advantages of using high-frequency data, the empirical models employed, and the challenges faced due to data availability and quality.

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