Three Biotechnology-Related Scenarios for Gauteng

The report explores three biotechnology-related scenarios for Gauteng's future, focusing on knowledge-aided growth, neo-industrial planned growth, and knowledge-enabled organic growth.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English


Time horizon: 2009
Geographic focus: Gauteng, South Africa


The research method used in the report involved creating proto-scenarios and conducting workshops to generate scenario fragments relevant to each proto-scenario. These fragments were then edited and integrated into comprehensive scenarios.

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Key Insights

The research report presents three distinct scenarios for the biotechnology sector in Gauteng from 2009 to 2030. Each scenario explores different approaches to economic growth, government strategy, and the integration of biotechnology within societal development. The scenarios are titled “Biotechnology in the Context of Knowledge-Aided Growth for Growth's Sake,” “Biotechnology in the Context of Neo-industrial, Planned Growth,” and “Knowledge-Enabled, Organic Growth.” They examine the outcomes of various government orientations towards growth, the role of biotechnology in industry and society, and the impact on infrastructure, particularly water resources. The scenarios also consider the implications of a knowledge society, the integration of technology in governance and service delivery, and the transformation of the education system to support informal learning.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

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