Two futures and how to reconcile them

This report explores the intersection of climate change and digitalization, and how they may shape the future.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Trade Union Institute
Authors: AĆ­da Ponce Del Castillo, Christophe Degryse, Philippe Pochet
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: 11 pages


The research method involves analyzing different versions of the narratives of climate change and digitalization, examining their potential interrelation, exploring the emergence of digital and green capitalism, and proposing a scenario for change. The approach is based on a reconstructed reconciliation of the two futures rather than an exhaustive literature review.

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Key Insights

The report discusses the separate and combined impacts of climate change and digitalization on the future, emphasizing the need for integrated approaches to understand their interrelation. It explores the evolution of digital and green capitalism and proposes a two-step approach to reconcile the two narratives, focusing on the importance of stakeholder alliances, local action, and long-term strategies for an inclusive, sustainable society.

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