Unbridled liberalism and a pandemic: at a crossroads between techno authoritarianism and a new social order

The report examines the impact of COVID-19 on global capitalism and the potential for a shift in social order.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Giovanni Dosi
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: páginas. 171-179


The research method involved analyzing statistical data, reviewing historical trends, and evaluating the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global capitalism.

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Key Insights

This report explores the intersection of the COVID-19 pandemic with pre-existing trends in global capitalism, suggesting that the crisis may lead to a crossroads between continued techno-authoritarian governance and a transformative social order. It delves into the fragility of socioeconomic structures exacerbated by neoliberal policies since the 1980s and the 2008 financial crisis. Key trends analyzed include globalization, the rise of China, wage stagnation, the widening productivity-wage gap, and the surge in corporate profits. The pandemic's arrival has amplified pre-existing inequalities and highlighted the inadequacies of health systems and social safety nets. The report discusses the potential for policy interventions to address these challenges, emphasizing the need for revitalized public health systems, progressive taxation, and the state's role in shaping private sector strategies. It warns that without significant changes, society may veer towards a “Blade Runner” scenario of deep divisions and techno-feudalism, rather than a more equitable and collective sharing of technological benefits.

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