Unexpected Developments in International Politics. Foresight Contributions 2018

The research paper “While We Were Planning: Unexpected Developments in International Politics” explores hypothetical political scenarios and their potential impact on German and European foreign and security policy.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Authors: Azadeh Zamirirad, Günter Seufert, Hanns Günther Hilpert, Kirsten Westphal, Marcel Dickow, Markus Kaim, Matthias Schulze, Nicolai Von Ondarza, Oliver Meier, Raphael Bossong, Rayk Hähnlein, Stephan Roll, Lars Brozus (ed.)
Page count: 50 pages


The research method involves systematic foresight, analyzing conceivable future events relevant to foreign and security affairs. It includes identifying influential factors, examining their interrelationships, and considering the consequences of these hypothetical situations.

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Key Insights

The paper presents a series of hypothetical situations, including a political thaw between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Turkey leaving NATO, EU security database hacks, South Korea arming with nuclear weapons, and an American woman leading the UN. These scenarios are analyzed for their plausibility and potential consequences, aiming to prepare for unforeseen events in international politics. The paper also reviews past expectations, such as the battery revolution and Brexit negotiations, to gain insights for the future.

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