Unfair Trade or Unfair Protection? The Evolution and Abuse of Section 301

Unfair Trade or Unfair Protection? The Evolution and Abuse of Section 301

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Time horizon: 1980


Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 allows the U.S. trade representative to investigate and respond to foreign trade practices deemed unfair to American companies. Historically, Section 301 was used to negotiate trade agreements and address trade barriers. However, the Trump administration deviated from this practice, using Section 301 to impose unilateral tariffs, particularly against China, in response to alleged intellectual property rights abuses. This led to significant economic and geopolitical costs. The paper evaluates the Trump administration's actions, the stretching of Section 301 beyond its intended purpose, and the contravention of WTO obligations. It also suggests practical reforms to prevent future misuse of Section 301, emphasizing the need for a rules-based international trading system and the restoration of damaged economic and geopolitical relationships.

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Key Insights

This report examines the misuse of Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, particularly under the Trump administration, and proposes reforms.

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