Using foresight to support the next strategic programming period of Horizon 2020 (2016-2018)

This report examines the role of foresight in shaping the European Commission's strategic programming for Horizon 2020 during 2016-2018, focusing on drivers of change and potential disruptors in Europe's future.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Commission
Authors: Gill Ringland, Matthias Weber, Vincent Rousselet
Time horizon: 2020
Geographic focus: Europe


The research method involved a literature review, expert interviews, and a workshop with external experts and Commission officials. The process synthesized foresight material into 12 drivers of change and six disrupters, discussing their implications for Horizon 2020.

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Key Insights

The study explores how foresight can inform the European Commission's strategic planning for Horizon 2020 from 2016 to 2018. It identifies key drivers of change and potential disruptors, such as demographic shifts, globalization, and technological advances, and suggests strategic responses to ensure Europe's competitiveness and societal well-being within planetary boundaries.

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