Western Options in a Multipolar World

This report examines the shifting geopolitical landscape, with a focus on the rise of non-Western powers like China and Russia, and the implications for Western interests and values in an emerging multipolar world.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Atlantic Council
Authors: Mathew J. Burrows
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: 12 pages


The research method involved analyzing geopolitical trends, economic data, and historical patterns to forecast potential scenarios for the emerging multipolar world order and to suggest strategic options for Western policymakers.

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Key Insights

The report explores the transition from a Western-centric world to a multipolar one, where China and Russia challenge the liberal order. It discusses the Belt and Road Initiative, the internal pressures within the Western alliance, and the potential scenarios for the future world order, emphasizing the importance of how the West responds to these changes and the possibility of maintaining Western values in a non-Western-led order.

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