What If Governments and Companies Are Challenged in Courts over Alleged Inaction on Climate Change?

The report discusses potential legal challenges to governments and companies for inadequate action on climate change in Canada by 2030.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Policy Horizons Canada
Publication date: March 1, 2017
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: Canada
Page count: 5


The research method involves strategic foresight, scenario exploration, and consultation with experts to identify key factors driving change and emerging policy challenges and opportunities.

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Key Insights

The report by Policy Horizons Canada explores the possibility of governments and companies facing legal action for insufficient measures against climate change by 2030. It highlights recent cases where governments were sued for failing to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets and suggests that similar legal principles could apply in Canada. The report discusses the implications of such lawsuits, including the acceleration of the transition to a climate economy, the risk of stranded assets, and the legal recognition of future generations' rights. It emphasizes the need for policies that are robust and resilient across a range of plausible futures.

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