What If - Self-Driving Vehicles Were the New Mass Transit Solution for Cities?

Canada 2030 report explores the potential impact of self-driving vehicles on urban mass transit.

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^ Quick Facts ^^

Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Policy Horizons Canada
Publication date: February 1, 2017
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: Canada
Page count: 10


The research method involved strategic foresight, expert participation, and scenario exploration. It identified key factors driving change, potential surprises, and emerging policy challenges and opportunities.

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Key Insights

The report by Policy Horizons Canada examines how self-driving vehicles could transform urban mass transit by 2030. It discusses the technological advancements, potential implications for public transit projects, and the changing attitudes towards car ownership and mobility. The study considers the integration of autonomous vehicles into public transportation systems, the challenges and opportunities this presents, and the assumptions underlying current transportation infrastructure investments.

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