White Paper on the future of Europe

This report presents five scenarios for the future of the European Union by 2025, focusing on how the EU could evolve in areas like the single market, security, and defense.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Commission
Authors: Jean-claude Juncker
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Eu27
Page count: 32 pages


The research method involved analyzing current EU policies, projecting future challenges and opportunities, and developing five illustrative scenarios to explore potential paths for the EU by 2025. These scenarios are not detailed blueprints but serve to stimulate debate on the EU's future direction.

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Key Insights

The report outlines five scenarios for the EU's future by 2025: carrying on; focusing solely on the single market; allowing willing member states to do more together; doing less more efficiently; and doing much more together. It discusses the implications of each scenario for various policy areas and the EU's capacity to deliver.

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