World Energy Scenarios 2017 | Regional Perspective for Sub-Saharan Africa

The report explores three energy scenarios for Sub-Saharan Africa's future to 2060, focusing on energy demand, consumption, and carbon emissions.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: World Energy Council
Time horizon: 2060
Geographic focus: Sub-saharan Africa


The research method involved scenario planning to explore potential futures for Sub-Saharan Africa's energy system. The scenarios were developed based on predetermined factors and critical uncertainties, with regional implications derived from global energy models and local insights.

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Key Insights

The World Energy Council's report presents three scenarios—Modern Jazz, Unfinished Symphony, and Hard Rock—depicting potential futures for Sub-Saharan Africa's energy landscape up to 2060. It examines the region's economic growth, energy demand, infrastructure development, and climate challenges. The scenarios explore varying degrees of technological innovation, policy coordination, and societal priorities, with implications for energy consumption, carbon emissions, and access to electricity. The report emphasizes the need for political stability, investment, and regional cooperation to navigate the energy transition.

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