World Youth Report 2011

The United Nations e-discussion on youth employment highlighted challenges young people face in finding decent work and aligning education with labor market needs.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Geographic focus: Global


The research method used in the report involved an e-discussion platform where young people aged 15 to 30, as well as representatives of youth-led organizations, were invited to share their views on various aspects of youth employment. The discussion was held over four weeks, with each week focusing on a different theme related to youth employment. Participants posted comments, and additional insights were gathered through social media interactions and special Twitter interviews with youth advocates.

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Key Insights

The e-discussion received over 1,100 comments from youth globally, discussing challenges in securing decent work, aligning education with labor market demands, and the social impact of employment trends on youth. Key concerns included the relevance and quality of education, high unemployment rates, gender barriers, poor working conditions, and the effects of migration on job opportunities. Despite challenges, youth showed enthusiasm for overcoming obstacles and shared success stories.

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Additional Viewpoints

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