David Jonker

Thanks for checking out my profile page! I've been with Open Foresight Hub from the very beginning, when the idea first formed while taking one of the Strategic Foresight courses. I had the privilege of founding the Open Foresight Hub in 2023.

I lead SAP Insights, which explores through research, journalism, and film how technology innovation addresses business, economic, and social issues today and tomorrow. I also lead global awareness marketing at SAP, including brand campaigns, influencer marketing, and media partnerships such Forbes.

My career includes time leading innovation teams as well as go-to-market and product management for a range of technology solutions, including machine learning, analytics, Big Data, cloud, and mobility. Before that I spend years in software R&D and user experience research.

I have a Master’s degree in Strategic Foresight from the University of Houston and a Bachelor’s degree in Systems Design engineering from the University of Waterloo.

I still live in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. I showed up for my engineering program and never left!


Please reach out on the User Notes section for Open Foresight Hub topics. Are you can also reach out to the admin team at admin@openforesighthub.org

You can find me online here: