Ageing in the Caribbean and the human rights of older persons: Twin imperatives for action

This study examines the ageing population in the Caribbean and the human rights of older persons, emphasizing the need for urgent action to address demographic changes and protect the rights of the elderly.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Abdullahi Abdulkadri, Alexander Voccia, Candice Gonzales, Dillon Alleyne, Javier Vasquez, Jeff James, Johann Brathwaite, Sandra Huenchuan, Tim Miller, Francis Jones
Page count: 70 páginas.


The research method involved analyzing demographic data, reviewing international and national laws on human rights, assessing current policies and programs for older persons, and making policy recommendations based on findings.

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Key Insights

The report analyzes the demographic shift towards an ageing population in the Caribbean, its impact on society, and the current state of older persons' human rights. It assesses economic security, health services, and supportive environments for the elderly, and concludes with policy recommendations to improve their well-being and rights.

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Last modified: 2024/07/26 17:30 by elizabethherfel