Checking Out the Future: Perspectives from the Library Community on Information Technology and 21st-Century Libraries

The report discusses the future of libraries in the digital age, emphasizing the need for adaptation to new technologies, user-driven services, and collaborative models to remain relevant.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

American Library Association

Authors: Jennifer C. Hendrix
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a literature review summarizing perspectives on the future of libraries, focusing on the impact of information technology and the digital revolution on library services, spaces, and professional roles.

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Key Insights

The report explores the impact of digital technology on libraries, predicting changes in information forms, access, and library roles. It suggests libraries must evolve to meet user needs, embrace collaboration, and balance traditional and innovative services.

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Last modified: 2024/05/13 20:51 by elizabethherfel