Climate Change and Water in Africa: Analysis of Knowledge Gaps and Needs

The report examines the impact of climate change on Africa's water resources, highlighting increasing stress due to variability and demand, and the need for better understanding, policies, and adaptation strategies.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English


Authors: Michael Menker Girma, Seleshi B. Awulachew, Selomon Seyoum Demissie, Yilma Sileshi, Semu A. Moges, Uneca
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method involved analyzing existing literature, climate models, and observational data to assess the impact of climate change on Africa's water resources. It also included evaluating the effectiveness of current policies and strategies in addressing climate-related challenges.

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Key Insights

This report explores the effects of climate change on water resources in Africa, noting the continent's diverse climates and the increasing pressure from both climate variability and human demand. It discusses the observed and projected impacts on vital water resources, such as lakes, rivers, and snow covers, and emphasizes the need for improved scientific knowledge, policy integration, and regional cooperation to develop effective adaptation strategies. The report also identifies knowledge gaps and needs, including the development of African climate models, capacity building, data sharing, and the importance of considering climate change in water infrastructure planning.

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Last modified: 2024/05/16 15:39 by elizabethherfel