Feeding the Future’s Changing Diets - Implications for Agriculture Markets, Nutrition, and Policy

The report examines how changing diets affect agriculture, markets, nutrition, and policy, focusing on the impact of reduced meat consumption and increased intake of fruits, vegetables, and pulses by 2030.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Mark W. Rosegrant, Siwa Msangi
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved using the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT), a partial equilibrium model for crop and livestock commodities. This model projected global food supply, demand, and security to 2030, simulating the effects of dietary changes on market dynamics and nutrition.

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Key Insights

This research explores key drivers of change in food systems, particularly dietary shifts, and their implications for agricultural markets, nutrition, and policy by 2030. It uses the IMPACT model to simulate the effects of reduced meat consumption and increased intake of healthier foods on food prices, market dynamics, and nutritional outcomes across different world regions. The study also discusses policy interventions that could promote healthier diets and improve food security.

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Last modified: 2024/05/30 17:33 by elizabethherfel