Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean N° 6: Contingency plan for an eventual food supply crisis

The report discusses contingency planning for potential food supply crises in Latin America and the Caribbean due to COVID-19.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Geographic focus: Latin America, Caribbean
Page count: 19 páginas.


The research method involved analyzing the agrifood sector's response capacity, monitoring key indicators, and proposing measures for different crisis levels. It also included reviewing economic data, conducting interviews, and examining good practices in food supply management.

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Key Insights

The report outlines a contingency plan for the agrifood sector in Latin America and the Caribbean to prepare for a potential food supply crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It emphasizes the need for early warning systems, monitoring of indicators, and predefined actions to mitigate the impact of the crisis. The plan includes measures for both food-importing and exporting countries, considering the unique characteristics of each nation. It also highlights good practices such as strategic stock reserves and strengthening intraregional trade. The report provides detailed strategies for different levels of crisis impact, from mild to high, and discusses the importance of public-private partnerships, liquidity support, and the use of digital platforms for food distribution. Additionally, it presents data on economic indicators like GDP and CPI, and discusses the role of international trade and cooperation in ensuring food security. The report includes interviews with government officials and recommendations for immediate and long-term measures to support the agrifood sector.

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Last modified: 2024/07/26 20:53 by elizabethherfel