FoodWeb 2020: Forces Shaping the Future of Food

This report examines the transformative trends and disruptions reshaping the global food web, offering insights into future challenges and opportunities for stakeholders in the food system.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Institute for the Future
Authors: Bradley Kreit, David Zaks, Jamais Cascio, Jay Dautcher, Kathrine Hoersted, Mani Pande, Rod Falcon, Tessa Finlev, Miriam Lueck Avery, Miriam Lueck Avery, Bradley Kreit, Rod Falcon
Time horizon: 2020
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved analyzing emerging trends and disruptions, interviewing experts, reviewing case studies of innovative responses globally, and forecasting key shifts in the food web.

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Key Insights

The global food web is undergoing rapid change due to political, economic, environmental, cultural, and scientific factors. This report analyzes these forces, presents innovative global responses, forecasts key shifts, and outlines principles for resilient strategies in the food system by 2020.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

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