Technology and Innovation in Financial Services: Scenarios to 2020 - Preface and Executive Summary

This report explores how technology and innovation may reshape the financial services industry by 2020, presenting three scenarios: Global Ivy League, Next Frontier, and Innovation Islands, each with distinct futures for globalization and innovation in financial services.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: World Economic Forum
Geographic focus: Global, Brazil, China, India, Russia, United_States, European_Union, Singapore, New_Zealand, Africa, Latin_America, Asia_Pacific
Time horizon: 2020
Page count: 84


The research method involved workshops with leaders in business, society, government, and academia from various regions. Participants developed scenarios through discussions, focusing on key questions about globalization and innovation in financial services.

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Key Insights

The report presents three scenarios—Global Ivy League, Next Frontier, and Innovation Islands—depicting different futures for financial services by 2020. It examines the impact of technology, regulatory changes, and globalization, considering the role of large global providers, new entrants, and geopolitical tensions. The scenarios explore how access to and delivery of financial services could evolve, the potential for leapfrogging in emerging markets, and the implications of increased competition and innovation.

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