The Future of Media: A New Framework for Valuing Content

The report discusses the future of media and its value in the digital era, highlighting industry changes due to COVID-19.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: World Economic Forum
Time horizon: 2019 - 2022
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved analyzing industry data, consumer behavior, and economic trends to forecast the media industry's future and its global GDP contribution. It also included creating a value map framework to assess the opportunities and risks for different roles within the media ecosystem.

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Key Insights

The World Economic Forum report presents a comprehensive analysis of the media industry's future, considering the impact of COVID-19. It examines the shift from traditional to digital media, the expected growth in global GDP contribution from the media sector, and the decrease in household expenditure on media and entertainment. The report explores the widening consumption gap between digital and traditional channels, with digital media, especially video and social media platforms, seeing increased usage. It also addresses the transformation across the media ecosystem, including changes in industry structure, user experience, monetization, and data practices. The paper introduces a value map to understand the roles and dynamics in content creation and distribution and discusses six implications for the media and entertainment industry.

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