The Future of the Global Financial System A Near-Term Outlook and Long-Term Scenarios

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential near-term and long-term evolution of the global financial system, considering the impact of macroeconomic shifts, increased government intervention, and the threat to globalization.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: World Economic Forum
Authors: Albrecht Dürnhöfer, Andrew Turnbull., Bernd Jan Sikken, Irvin Sha, Maliha Shekhani, Nicholas Davis, Max Von Bismarck, World Economic Forum
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved workshops, interviews, and consultations with over 250 senior executives, policy-makers, regulators, and academics, leading to the development of four long-term scenarios for the global financial system.

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Key Insights

The report examines three major shifts: deleveraging and a global economic slowdown; increased government intervention; and a threat to globalization. It explores the near-term implications for banks, alternative investment firms, and insurers, identifying potential winners and losers.

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Additional Viewpoints

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