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TAG: africa geographic scope
Africa 2050: Emerging Results from IFs Modelling Tool
Africa 2060: Good News from Africa
Africa 2063: How Cities Will Shape the Future of a Continent
Africa and Foresight: Better Futures in Development
Africa Environment Outlook for Youth: Our Region – Our Life
Africa in 2020: Discussion Paper
Africa in 2020: Three Scenarios For The Future
Africa's current and future stability
Africa's current and future stability
Africa's Demographic Trends
Africa's Future is Female
Africa's Technology Futures: Three Scenarios
Africa-Indian Ocean Regional Traffic Forecasts 2004–2020
African Agriculture in 50 years: Smallholders in a Rapidly Changing World?
African climate change: 1900–2100
African Development Bank PPP Strategic Framework 2021-2031
African Digital Compact
African Digital Futures
African Economic Outlook 2012: Promoting Youth Employment
African Futures 2030: Free trade, peace, prosperity
African Futures 2035: Key Trends
African Futures 2050: The Next Forty Years
African Union Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (ABSAP) 2023 - 2030
African urban fantasies
African Voices - African Visions
Africa’s Future and the World Bank’s Role in it
Africa’s path to growth: Sector by sector
Afrocentrism vs Sinocentrism Scenarios for 2020
Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want (popular version)
Agriculture Sector Strategy 2010 - 2014
AIDS in Africa: Scenarios for the Future
AIDS in Africa: Three scenarios for the education sector
AIDS in Africa: Three scenarios to 2025
All Animals are equal
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Sustainable Youth Development in Africa: A Policy Brief
Artificial Intelligence: Disrupting The Future Of Work
Assessing long-term state fragility in Africa: Prospects for 26 'more fragile' countries
Assessing Regional Integration in Africa
Blood Stream
Building a sustainable future for Africa’s extractive industry: From vision to action
Capacity to Decolonise: Building Futures Literacy in Africa
Category Index
CCAFS West Africa Regional Scenarios for Food Security, Environments and Livelihoods
Challenges to the Future of Gas: unburnable or unaffordable?
Childhood Obesity around the Globe - Prevalence, Trends, and Causal Pathways
Cities in Africa Part 2: Climate Change
Cities in Africa Part 3
Climate and Green Growth Strategic Framework- Projecting Africa's Voice- Strategy- 2021-2030
Climate change and global water resources: SRES emissions and socio-economic scenarios
Climate Change and Population Health: Possible Future Scenarios
Climate Change and Water in Africa: Analysis of Knowledge Gaps and Needs
Connecting the Dots: Information Visualization and Text Analysis of the Searchlight Project Newsletters
Consolidating Africa's Regional Integration Efforts
Contemporary Security and Development Trends in the Great Lakes Region
Continental Artificial Intelligence Strategy: Harnessing AI for Africa’s Development and Prosperity
Could climate become the weak link in your supply chain?
Cultivating the Future: Exploring the Potential and Impact of a Green Revolution in Africa
Cultural Identity and the Future of Africa
Demand-Based Capacity Planning of Mobile Cellular Networks in Africa
Democratic Governance and New Democracy in Africa: Agenda for the Future
Demographic Change, the IMPACT Model, and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa
Development Dialogue: Climate Justice and Gender
East Africa Strategic Futures: Food Security, the Environment and Livelihoods
Ending hunger in Africa: The elimination of hunger and food insecurity on the African by 2025: Conditions for success
Envisioning New Partnerships For Africa's Future: Making Global Governance Work in a Post-2015 World
Europhonism, Universities, and the Magic Fountain: The Future of African Literature and Scholarship
Facing Alternative Futures Prospects for and Paths to Food Security in Africa
Feeding the Greater Horn of Eastern Africa
FIC and Africa
Finance Forward: Forces shaping the future of inclusive financial services
Financing Africa: Through the Crisis and Beyond
Financing Africa’s Future Growth and Development: Some Innovations
Fixing Africa: Once And For All
Foresight Africa 2015: Democracy and Elections Across the Continent
Foresight Africa-Continent's Greatest Challenges & Opportunities 2011
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for Africa in 2018
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the continent 202-2030
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent 2020-2030
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2012
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2013
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2014
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2016
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2017
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the continent in 2019
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2019
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2021
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the continent in 2022
Foresight and African agriculture: innovations and policy opportunities This review
Foresight for Africa Report 2012
Foresight for Development
Forward-looking Approaches and Innovative Strategies to Promote the Development of Africa in the Twenty-first Century
From subsistence to disruptive innovation Africa, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the future of jobs
Functional Seclusion and the Future of Indigenous Languages in Africa: The Case of Cameroon
Future (im)perfect? Mapping conflict, violence and extremism in Africa
Future Female - A 21st Century Gender Perspective
Future of Food (Future agenda – initial perspective on Future of Food)
Future Scenarios and Future Threats: What Happens if Piracy is not Controlled, and How Might Manifestations Change?
Futures of Women, Women of the Future
GHEA Outlook 18: Are Satellite Cities the (official) future of GHEA’s urbanisation?
Global Demographics Trends: Drivers and Impacts
Global Future Survey 1/2017
Globalization and the future of African culture
Greater Horn of East Africa (GHEA) Outlook: Struggling to Stay in Orbit
Green Hills, Blue Cities - an Ecosystems Approach to Water Resources Management for African Cities
Health Systems for the Millennium Development Goals: Country Needs and Funding Gaps
Human Development in Africa: A Long-Run Perspective
IDEV- Evaluation of Mainstreaming Green Growth and Climate Change into the AfDB's Interventions
Index of Tags
Index of Tags
Infectious Diseases: preparing for the future
Intellectual property in the year 2025
International Air Passenger Transport in the Future
Introduction: World Tourism and the Tourist in 2030
Irrigation Projection for 2030-2050
Irrigation Projection For 2030-2050
Journey to 2050
Keynote Speech: Technology and the Future of the Book
Knowledge Management Strategy 2022-2031
Liberalization of Air Transport in Africa:: 2019’s Status and Way Forward
Livestock and the Livelihoods of the Urban Poor: A Background Document
Mainstreaming Gender Into Trade And Development Strategies in Africa
Mapping the Future of China-Africa Relations: How the Continent can Benefit
McKinsey on Africa: A continent on the move
Millenia2015 – Methodology of the foresight research process
Mining Codes in Africa: Emergence of a “Fourth” Generation?
Mobile Africa Report 2011: Regional Hubs of Excellence and Innovation
Mobile Learning Objects Deployment and Utilization in Developing Countries
OECD Societies in Transition: The future of work and leisure
OECD Societies in Transition: The future of work and leisure
Oil 2024: Analysis and forecast to 2030
Optimum Market-Positioning Models for South Africa Arts Festivals Scenarios
Our Future World
Participatory scenarios as a tool to link science and policy on food security under climate change in East Africa
Planning for the future
Positing Scenarios for Post 2008 Elections in Zimbabwe: What Would Power Alternation Mean for Zimbabwe?
Positioning technology development in the South African construction industry: a technology foresight study
Potential effect of climate change on malaria transmission in Africa
Potential of biomass energy out to 2100, for four IPCC SRES land-use scenarios
Projection of Future Economic and Sociopolitical Trends In South Africa Up To 2025
Prospects for Africa's 26 fragile countries
Prospects for Africa's 26 Fragile Countries
Prospects for the African Power Sector: Scenarios and Strategies for Africa Project
Realising the Potential of Africa’s Youth · Report of the Africa Commission
Reducing poverty in Africa Realistic targets for the post-2015 MDGs and Agenda 2063
Refreshing Africa's future: prospects for achieving universal WASH access by 2030
Regional climate model simulations of present-day and future climates of Southern Africa
Regional survey: Africa out to 2045
Report on Integration of different measures to reach Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) In Sub-Sahara Africa
Republic Of South Africa Results-Based Country Strategy Paper, 2008 - 2012
Rwanda Vision 2020
SA 2020:Creating the Future
Scenario Analysis
Scenarios of Good Anthropocenes in southern Africa
Searchlight Report: Building a Searchlight Function
Second Continental Report on The Implementation of Agenda 2063
Smart Partnerships amid Great Power Competition: AI, China, and the Global Quest for Digital Sovereignty
Some critical research issues for future sub-Saharan African agriculture
SOUTH AFRICA Scenarios 2025: The future we chose?
South Africa Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015
South Africa's Approach To Foresighting - A Developing Country's Perpective
South Africa. A work in progress SA SOFI
Southern African Vision For Water, Life and Environment In the 21st Century
Strategic Foresight: How to Enhance the Implementation of 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in Developing Countries
Strategy for Conservation and Sustainable Management of IBAs in Africa
Strategy for Quality Helath Infrastructure in Africa 2021-2030
Sustainable Intensification: A New Paradigm for African Agriculture
Sustaining Good Governance in Water and Sanitation in Uganda
Technology and Innovation in Financial Services: Scenarios to 2020 - Preface and Executive Summary
The Africa Water Vision for 2025: Equitable and Sustainable Use of Water for Socioeconomic Development
The Authentic Tourist: A Journey Through Africa in 2030
The Decent Work Agenda in Africa: 2007–2015
The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030)
The festschrift tradition in African literature: Its implications for the future of African literary criticism
The future of African oil and gas: positioning for the energy transition
The Future of Agriculture in Africa
The Future of Food Security: An African Case Study
The Future of Indigenous Publishing in Africa
The future of intrastate conflict in Africa More violence or greater peace?
The Future of Jobs and Skills in Africa: Preparing the Region for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Future of Knowledge Creation: Visioning a Capacity Revolution - a Futures Literacy Workshop
The Future of Smart Payments
The future of water security in South Africa and SADC
The Future of Well-Being in a Tech-Saturated World
The Future of Women’s Work in Africa
The Green Party of Kenya Manifesto 2030
The Inventions of African Identities and Languages: The Discursive and Developmental Implications
The nutrition transition: worldwide obesity dynamics and their determinants
The Political Economy of Food Security in North Africa
The Present and Future Growth of Scholarly Publishing in Africa
The SADC 2015 Scenarios
The Significance of Futures Intelligence Capacity in realising the African Dream
The University of the Future: Perspectives for Tanzania
The Youth Research Compendium
Three Educational Scenarios for the Future: lessons from the sociology of knowledge
Tourism and recreation - AEO2 Chapter3
Towards a Vision of the Urban Land Sector in South Africa by 2020: Interventions and Future Scenario
Towards Vision 2050
Transitional Justice and Human Rights in the 21st Century
Transportek Foresight Study
Tree of Humanity awarded to African Game Changers once again
Trends in the mining and metals industry
Tribes of Future Past
Unplug Africa
Urban Africa — Challenges and Opportunities for Planning at a Time of Climate Change
Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for sustainability
Urbanization, Unemployment, and Migration in Africa: Theory and Policy
Vision: the future of AI and Tech
Voices from the Future Creating the Scene in 2018
Walking and Cycling in Africa- Evidence and Good Practice to Inspire Action
War and Peace Scenarios in Northern Uganda
Water Scenarios for the Zambezi River Basin, 2000 – 2050
Water, Environment and Sustainable Development in North Africa
What are the implications of the global crisis and its aftermath for developing countries, 2010 - 2020?
What Does the Future Hold for SACU? From Own Goal to Laduma! Scenarios
What’s driving Africa’s growth
WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use : 2000–2030
Why strategic foresight matters for Africa
WiMAX Forum WiMAX™ Technology Forecast (2007-2012)
Women and Alternative Futures
World employment and social outlook : trends 2017
World employment and social outlook : trends 2018
World Tourism in 2030
Youth Employment Interventions in Africa
Youth in the Middle East and North Africa: Demographic Opportunity or Challenge?
Zimbabwe in 2010: A Short Guide to the Future
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