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library:creating_the_cities_of_the_future [2023/07/24 22:11] – created dwellinatorlibrary:creating_the_cities_of_the_future [2024/04/05 21:04] (current) elizabethherfel
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-====== Creating the Cities of the Future ====== +======Creating the Cities of the Future====== 
-Just as businesses are embracing a future driven by the customer experience, cities need to develop a collaborative, responsive, and personalized urban experience with their constituents.+Just as businesses are embracing a future driven by the customer experience, cities need to develop a collaborative, responsive, and personalized urban experience with their constituents.  
 ^  Quick Facts  ^^ ^  Quick Facts  ^^
-| Report location:  | https://www.sap.com/insights/research/creating-the-cities-of-the-future.html +|Report location:  |https://www.sap.com/insights/research/creating-the-cities-of-the-future.html 
-| Language:  | English   +|Language:  |English  
-| Publisher: Link to the publisher's page in the Encyclopedia. Create an encyclopedia page if one does not already exists. Instructions can be found here.   +|Publisher:  
-|Publication date:  | 2019  | +|Publication date:  |2019  | 
-| Authors:  | Michael Rander, Stephanie Overby | +|Authors:  |Michael Rander, Stephanie Overby  
-| Time horizon:  | 2050  |  +|Time horizon:  |2050    
-| Geographic focus:  | Global |+|Geographic focus:  |Global |
 +The research method includes statistical analysis, expert interviews, and case studies.\\ 
 + \\ 
 + (Generated with the help of GPT-4) \\
-=====Key Insights=====Citizens are often considered as users, testers,or consumers rather than producers and sources of creativity and innovation. +=====Key Insights===== 
 +Citizens are often considered as users, testers,or consumers rather than producers and sources of creativity and innovation. 
 Begin with problems, not solutions. Figure out what problem you want to solve or what information you wish you knew. No two cities are the same.  Begin with problems, not solutions. Figure out what problem you want to solve or what information you wish you knew. No two cities are the same. 
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 Gather existing data. Once you’ve prioritized the problems you need to solve, look for relevant data the city already has.  Gather existing data. Once you’ve prioritized the problems you need to solve, look for relevant data the city already has. 
-Define digital principles or rights. Technology is advancing quickly, and current laws about privacy and data use have not universally kept up with citizens’ concerns. Cities will need to define a set of digital principles and make clear the quid pro quo they are offering citizens for their digital contribution to urban life, planning, and problem-solving.  +Define digital principles or rights. Technology is advancing quickly, and current laws about privacy and data use have not universally kept up with citizens’ concerns. Cities will need to define a set of digital principles and make clear the quid pro quo they are offering citizens for their digital contribution to urban life, planning, and problem-solving.
- +
 =====Additional Viewpoints===== =====Additional Viewpoints=====
 <!-- Begin instructions for additional viewpoints --> <!-- Begin instructions for additional viewpoints -->
 <!-- End instructions for additional viewpoints --> <!-- End instructions for additional viewpoints -->
-<span #categories_box> Categories:  Include all of the major categories in the report. Search for and use existing tags here. Add a new tag if topic not already identified. Wrap in tags. Detailed instructions can be found here. </span> 
-{{tag>2050_time_horizon}} + 
-{{tag>report}} +<span #categories_box> Categories:  {{tag>2019_publication_year}} |  {{tag>2050_time_horizon}} |  {{tag>2050s_time_horizon}} |  {{tag>English_publication_language}} |  {{tag>Global_geographic_scope}} |  {{tag>current_conditions}} |  {{tag>economic_impact}} |  {{tag>emerging_trends}} |  {{tag>forecasts}} |  {{tag>future_developments}} |  {{tag>historical_data}} |  {{tag>policy_adaptations}} |  {{tag>societal_impact}} |  {{tag>strategic_planning.}} |  {{tag>technological_impact}} |  {{tag>unknown_geographic_scope}}   </span>   
-{{tag>cities}} + 
Last modified: 2023/07/24 22:11 by dwellinator