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Narue Paulilo Shiki, 2024/02/23 15:10

The UNDP Signals Spotlight 2023 – a first for UNDP - highlights some of the signals and trends we see emerging that we consider will be significant for development. Inspired by some 500 signals of change observed by UNDP colleagues around the world, the Spotlight highlights some of the most interesting and traces the patterns and trends they reveal.

Answering the question, “What’s going on in development?,” isn’t easy. With exhaustive amounts of data and analysis at our fingertips, the best-informed of us can find it hard to choose what to read, remember and reference. This report aims to help UNDP colleagues orient themselves in a constantly changing landscape by providing an overview of the issues that should be on everyone’s radar in 2024. Among lots of trends reports out there, this one is written for UNDP. It is not intended to be all-encompassing or definitive, but rather to alert us to what’s worth watching across the landscape of development.

Leland Beaumont, 2024/02/25 14:37

What is the next big thing? The Level 5 Research Center is studying the question “How can we best shape the emergence of Level 5?” Many future studies theorists are predicting the emergence of a next level, related to what we are calling level 5, that can bring us into the next plane of existence.


Yaron Cohen, 2024/08/14 22:36, 2024/08/14 22:38

Future of money - What is the future of regional currencies? Two scenarios from the Middle East and the Caribbean region in 2045:

Yaron Cohen, 2024/08/14 22:37, 2024/08/14 22:38

Future of money - What is the future of Time Banks? Three scenarios from the EU, California (US), and Canada in 2040:

Yaron Cohen, 2024/08/14 22:40

Future of money - What is the future of charitable donations? Scenarios from Canada, the US, and Africa in 2035:

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Last modified: 2023/07/26 17:00 by elizabethherfel