This is an old revision of the document!

Getting started

Finding Content

There are four ways to find content on the Open Foresight Hub:

  1. Begin by navigating pages in the encyclopedia, library, and futures sections.
  2. Look through the index of tags for content related to a specific topic, time horizon, geography, or other attribute.
  3. Type in terms you are searching for using the search bar in the top right corner of the page.
  4. Navigate the entire Sitemap of the Open Foresight Hub, which can be found in the top right corner of the page.

Creating an account

It is possible to view all of the content published in the Open Foresight Hub without an account. However, if you wish to contribute to discussions, suggest page edits, edit pages, or create new ones requires an account. Your perspectives are absolutely invaluable to us. We hope you'll join the Hub and contribute your insights and expertise.

Everyone is welcome to create an account and it is totally free. You'll be asked to provide your email address, create a unique username, tell us your “real name” or whatever you'd like to be called, and choose a password.

We look forward to hearing from you in the Hub in the near futures!

Beginning to contribute

Once you have an account, familiarize yourself with Open Foresight Hub's policy page for information on all of our rules and guidelines. See the user guide for tutorials on how to use DokuWiki, the software Open Foresight Hub is built on, and tips on how pages are written.

If you are unsure where to begin editing, try browsing pages that interest you and see if you can improve them. If you come across any red links, that means the page does not exist yet. You can help by clicking the link and adding content to the page, turning the link green.

A more direct method is to check out the tasks board for a list of projects the community is working on and a list of pages that need improving.

Last modified: 2023/06/08 02:24 by davidpjonker