30-Second Situation

30-Second Situation discusses the work of author Tochi Onyebuchi and his contribution to the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture's exhibit on the African American experience. Onyebuchi's “30-Second Situation” is a short science fiction story that explores racial identity, surveillance, and technology.The article highlights Onyebuchi's background as a Nigerian American writer and his interest in using speculative fiction to examine social issues.

The story itself centers around a protagonist named Quenby Jackson, a Black woman who finds herself trapped in a surveillance state where she must navigate constant scrutiny and judgment. Onyebuchi's work raises important questions about privacy, racial bias, and the impact of technology on marginalized communities.

The article acknowledges the increasing recognition of speculative fiction as a powerful medium for addressing social and political topics. It also praises Onyebuchi's ability to create a thought-provoking narrative within the constraints of a 30-second story.

Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Slate Group
Publication date: October 29, 2021
Authors: Tochi Onyebuchi
Time horizon: 2071
Geographic focus: United States


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Last modified: 2023/06/14 18:55 by sarah.wheeler