Africa 2060: Good News from Africa

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the discussions and insights from the “Africa 2060: Good News from Africa” conference, focusing on Africa's potential for long-term human development.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Boston University Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center For The Study For The Longer-Range Future

Authors: Adil Najam, Alfredo Burlando, Heran Sereke-brhan, Julius Gatune Kariuki, Cynthia Barakatt, Cynthia Barakatt, Alfredo Burlando, Julius Gatune Kariuki, Adil Najam, Heran Sereke-brhan
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method used in the report involved convening interdisciplinary panels of experts to discuss topics relevant to Africa's longer-range future, followed by the publication of conference reflections and trend analyses.

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Key Insights

The “Africa 2060: Good News from Africa” conference highlighted positive trends in Africa's economic growth, governance, and social development, while acknowledging challenges such as poverty, conflict, and institutional weaknesses. Experts discussed the continent's diverse potential, the impact of globalization, and the role of technology, entrepreneurship, and society in shaping Africa's future.

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Last modified: 2024/05/10 17:28 by elizabethherfel