African Futures 2050: The Next Forty Years

This report examines Africa's potential growth and development through 2050, considering factors like demographics, human development, economic growth, sociopolitical change, and the continent's role in the global context. It explores the impact of external forces, governance quality, infrastructure needs, regional integration, and global connections on Africa's future.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Barry Hughes, Jonathan Moyer, Jakkie Cilliers, Jakkie Cilliers, Barry Hughes And Jonathan Moyer
Geographic focus: Africa
Time horizon: 2050


The research method combines quantitative modeling with expert analysis to forecast Africa's development across multiple sectors. The International Futures (IFs) modeling system integrates data on demographics, economics, sociopolitical factors, and other key variables to project future trends and outcomes for African countries and regions.

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Key Insights

The report uses a comprehensive modeling system to analyze Africa's future across various domains, including population growth, urbanization, education, health, economic diversification, governance, and security. It assesses the continent's challenges and opportunities, considering the influence of external actors like China and the EU, and the potential for an African green revolution in agriculture.

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Last modified: 2024/05/10 18:49 by elizabethherfel