Africa’s Future and the World Bank’s Role in it

This report discusses Africa's potential for economic transformation and growth, and the World Bank's strategy to support this development.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: World Bank Group
Authors: World Bank
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method involved analyzing economic data, assessing progress on development goals, evaluating investment trends, and consulting with various stakeholders, including governments, private sector, and civil society. The report synthesizes this information to propose a strategic framework for the World Bank's engagement in Africa.

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Key Insights

The report outlines Africa's opportunity for economic transformation due to factors such as a decade of robust growth, progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), increased investment, and a favorable climate for reforms. Despite these positive trends, challenges persist, including underemployment, poverty, gender inequality, climate change, and governance issues. The World Bank's new strategy for Africa aims to address these challenges by focusing on competitiveness and employment, vulnerability and resilience, and governance and public-sector capacity. The strategy emphasizes the importance of regional solutions, particularly in infrastructure and trade, and the role of middle-income countries as regional growth drivers. The World Bank's approach includes leveraging partnerships, knowledge, and finance to support Africa's development goals.

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Last modified: 2024/05/13 15:57 by elizabethherfel