Agrimonde: Scenarios and challenges for feeding the world in 2050 (Presentation)

This report explores potential futures for global food and farming systems by 2050, focusing on scenarios and strategies for sustainable food security.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
  • INRA
Authors: Bernard Hubert, Patrick Caron, Bruno Dorin, Bruno Dorin, Patrick Caron, Bernard Hubert
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a foresight exercise using the Agrimonde platform, which includes a quantitative tool called Agribiom. This tool facilitated the exploration of scenarios through simulations based on historical data and future projections of food biomass resources and uses, population growth, dietary patterns, and environmental impacts.

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Key Insights

The Agrimonde project, a collaboration between INRA and CIRAD, aims to envision the future of food and agriculture up to 2050. It uses quantitative tools to model scenarios of biomass production, consumption, and trade, considering factors like population growth, dietary changes, and environmental challenges. The report discusses two scenarios, “AGO” and “AG1,” which differ in their assumptions about resource use, productivity, and trade. The findings suggest that the planet can feed 9 billion people by 2050, but this depends on dietary choices, trade policies, and innovations in agricultural practices.

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Last modified: 2024/05/13 17:51 by elizabethherfel