AIDS in Africa: Scenarios for the Future

This report explores various scenarios for the future of AIDS in Africa.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English


Authors: Unaids
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method involves creating and analyzing scenarios that are credible, challenging, and coherent to explore different potential futures for AIDS in Africa. These scenarios are based on varying understandings of the present and assumptions about how the world works.

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Key Insights

The report “AIDS in Africa: Scenarios for the Future” discusses the use of scenarios, which are not forecasts but credible, challenging, and coherent stories that describe possible futures. These scenarios are used to test policies, explore new ideas, and build relationships by aligning and committing to shared goals. The report emphasizes that scenarios should be plausible, internally consistent, relevant, and challenging to help with critical dilemmas and uncertainties. It also highlights the importance of making decisions today that will lead to success in the future, given the unpredictability and lack of facts about what is to come.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

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Last modified: 2024/05/13 17:55 by elizabethherfel