ASEAN Development Outlook: inclusive and sustainable development

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of inclusive and sustainable development in the ASEAN region, focusing on identity, natural and built environment, livelihoods, and social welfare and health. It emphasizes the importance of shared responsibility for climate change adaptation, mitigation, disaster preparedness, and management, as well as analysis on energy and infrastructure. The report also highlights the need for participatory and inclusive approaches to policy-making and the significance of communication, language, and technology in shaping ASEAN identity.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

ASEAN Secretariat

Geographic focus: ASEAN
Page count: 338



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Key Insights

The research method employed in this report involves a combination of secondary literature review, consultation with global and regional experts, and engagement with ASEAN senior officials. The report adopts a 'human development'-centered analytical framework, the Capability Approach, complemented by the Foresight Approach for policy insights. It aims to assess ASEAN's development goals and outcomes, evaluate progress, highlight best practices, and make policy recommendations for future challenges.

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Last modified: 2024/07/11 17:01 by elizabethherfel