Cape Town 2025: Urban Form and Infrastructure

The report examines urban development scenarios for Cape Town, focusing on sustainable urban form and infrastructure, contrasting Business As Usual (BAU) with Sustainable Development (SD) approaches.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

ISANDLA Institute

Authors: Nisa Mammon
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Cape Town, South Africa


The research method involved analyzing current urban development trends in Cape Town and contrasting them with a proposed sustainable development scenario. It included a review of urban policies, spatial planning, and infrastructure, as well as strategies for future urban restructuring.

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Key Insights

The research explores urban development in Cape Town, analyzing current trends (BAU scenario) and proposing a sustainable approach (SD scenario) for 2025. It addresses urban form, infrastructure, public facilities, transport, housing, and strategies for creating an integrated, equitable city.

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Last modified: 2024/05/13 20:05 by elizabethherfel