Causal layered analysis enriching the innovation process

The report explores how causal layered analysis (CLA), a foresight technique, can enhance organizational innovation by providing a deeper understanding of challenges and opportunities.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

University Of Stellenbosch

Authors: Prof A Roux, Hendrik Albertus Kotze
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved applying causal layered analysis (CLA) to the top three innovations of the last three decades to assess how these innovations address needs at different layers and their potential for enduring success.

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Key Insights

The research investigates the role of causal layered analysis (CLA) in the innovation process, proposing that CLA's depth and breadth of analysis can uncover underlying drivers of problems, expand solution sets, and identify latent needs. It suggests that successful innovations address needs at multiple levels, becoming embedded in daily life. The report applies CLA to the top three innovations of the last three decades, analyzing their success in addressing needs across four layers: the litany, social causes, worldview, and myth/metaphor.

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Last modified: 2024/05/13 20:18 by elizabethherfel