Combining stakeholder scenarios and modelling: future food security, environments, livelihoods in the global south

The report explores future food security, environments, and livelihoods in the global south through stakeholder scenarios and modeling.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Joost Vervoort, Andrew Ainslie, Oxford Brookes
Geographic focus: Global South, East Africa, West Africa, Indo-gangetic Plain, Global


The research method involved constructing stakeholder scenarios, socio-economic modeling, and climate scenario analysis. It combined multi-stakeholder storylines with quantitative modeling to explore key uncertainties and develop governance capacity for future food security, environments, and livelihoods.

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Key Insights

This report presents a research framework combining stakeholder scenarios with socio-economic and climate modeling to explore future food security, environmental health, and rural livelihoods in the global south. It focuses on adapting agriculture to climate variability and change through technologies, practices, partnerships, and policies. The research aims to enhance adaptive capacity in agricultural, natural resource management, and food systems by linking knowledge with action and refining frameworks for policy analysis. The CCAFS Scenario Development process involved constructing scenarios with regional partners and stakeholders to explore socio-economic uncertainties and develop governance capacity under climate and socio-economic uncertainties. The research uses two complementary models, IMPACT and GLOBIOM, to simulate global market dynamics and quantify various drivers of change. The results are used in back-casting to develop actionable multi-actor strategies and collaborative action plans, with ongoing engagement by local partners.

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Last modified: 2024/05/16 18:16 by elizabethherfel