Compassion in Action: the story of the ASEAN-LED coordination in Myanmar

The report details ASEAN's coordination role in Myanmar's recovery from Cyclone Nargis, highlighting the establishment of mechanisms for international aid delivery and the transition to long-term recovery efforts.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

ASEAN Secretariat

Authors: Adelina Kamal, Alanna Jorde, Bobby Haryanto, Juliet Shwegaung, Kenneth Kyaw Myat Tha, Said Faisal, Sandi Myat Aung, Sithu Koko, U Kin Zaw, Zaw Zaw Aung, Selena Marr
Geographic focus: Myanmar
Page count: 98


The research method involved the deployment of the ASEAN-ERAT for initial assessments, the establishment of the TCG for coordination, the execution of the comprehensive PONJA, periodic reviews, social impact monitoring, and the development of the PONREPP for long-term recovery.

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Key Insights

The report chronicles the ASEAN-led humanitarian response to Cyclone Nargis, which struck Myanmar in 2008, causing widespread devastation. ASEAN, in partnership with the Myanmar government and the UN, facilitated international aid and recovery efforts. Key initiatives included the ASEAN-ERAT assessment, the establishment of the Tripartite Core Group (TCG), and the Post-Nargis Joint Assessment (PONJA), which provided a comprehensive evaluation of the cyclone's impact. The ASEAN Humanitarian Task Force (AHTF) and the TCG played crucial roles in coordinating aid distribution, ensuring access for relief workers, and mobilizing resources. The Post-Nargis Recovery and Preparedness Plan (PONREPP) outlined a three-year recovery strategy focusing on livelihoods, education, health, water, sanitation, and disaster risk reduction. Periodic Reviews and Social Impact Monitoring assessments tracked progress and informed strategies. The ASEAN-led mechanism's success in opening humanitarian space, raising funds, and building trust with the Myanmar government is highlighted as a model for future disaster responses. The report also discusses the transition of coordination responsibilities to the Myanmar government and the potential for replicating the ASEAN-led mechanism in other contexts.

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Last modified: 2024/07/19 19:31 by elizabethherfel