Conclusion: ‘‘Foresight for smart globalization’’ synthesis statement and recommendations

The report discusses the integration of poverty considerations into foresight activities to improve decision-making and address global poverty.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Claudia Juech, Evan S. Michelson, Clement Bezold
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved drafting a synthesis statement and recommendations based on the themes and ideas from the background papers and discussions at the “Foresight for smart globalization” workshop.

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Key Insights

The report concludes a workshop on “Foresight for smart globalization,” emphasizing the need for governance changes to tackle global poverty and the importance of enhancing national foresight capacities. It advocates for incorporating poverty explicitly in foresight activities like scenario planning and trend analysis. The synthesis statement highlights foresight as a tool for understanding complex systems and creating action paths, particularly in addressing poverty. The recommendations suggest improving governance, fostering national foresight, developing participatory approaches, conducting technology road mapping for the poor, and mapping conflict and economic development associations. The report aims to establish pro-poor foresight as a regular component of future foresight activities.

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Last modified: 2024/05/20 17:01 by elizabethherfel