Current and Future Scenarios for Arrest and Surrender to the ICC

The report examines the cooperation mechanisms for the arrest and surrender of individuals to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
  • Heidelberg Journal of International Law
  • Harvard University
Authors: Annalisa Ciampi
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involves analyzing the ICC's legal framework, examining state practices, and considering the role of international organizations and political pressures in facilitating cooperation with the ICC.

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Key Insights

The report analyzes the ICC's cooperation framework for arresting and surrendering suspects, focusing on the challenges posed by the lack of implementing legislation, the inability of the ICC Prosecutor to directly enforce arrest warrants, and the reliance on state cooperation. It discusses the scenarios of state referrals and Security Council referrals, highlighting the political pressures and international measures that can influence state compliance.

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Last modified: 2024/05/23 15:41 by elizabethherfel