Drugs futures 2025: scenarios

This report explores four potential future scenarios regarding the use of psychoactive substances, considering various regulatory approaches and societal attitudes towards drug use and addiction.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: UK Government Office for Science
Publication date: July 13, 2005
Authors: Henley Centre, Office of Science and Technology, Waverley Management Consultants
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: 64


The research method involved a three-stage process: driver assessment, scenario development, and scenario testing. This included workshops with stakeholders, analysis of drivers of change, construction of scenario axes, and development of narratives for each scenario. The process aimed to identify key factors influencing the future of psychoactive substance use and to test the robustness of the scenarios.

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Key Insights

The “Drugs Futures 2025?” report, commissioned by the UK Government's Foresight programme, examines future socioeconomic contexts for psychoactive substance use through scenario planning. It assesses the impact of scientific and technological advances on addiction and drug use, considering factors like regulation, healthcare costs, and societal attitudes. The report presents four scenarios—High Performance, Neighbourhood Watch, Dispense With Care, and Treated Positively—each with different implications for policy, industry, and society. The scenarios are constructed using two axes: life enhancement versus life preservation and evidence-based versus view-based regulation. The report also discusses the ethical, economic, and social challenges associated with future drug use and addiction management.

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Last modified: 2024/04/09 17:53 by elizabethherfel