Exploiting the electromagnetic spectrum: tales from the future

This report investigates an advanced interrogation technique using a brain reader to extract information from criminals, detailing its development, applications, and a case study involving the prevention of a terrorist attack.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: UK Government Office for Science
Publication date: April 29, 2004
Authors: Dr. Grayson, Governor Bingham, Professor Miah
Time horizon: 2014 - 2024
Geographic focus: United Kingdom
Page count: 30


The research method involved developing a brain-reading device that uses sensors to create a three-dimensional picture of brain activity. This device, coupled with a database, tracks a subject's memories and identifies recognition patterns to extract information about past actions and future intentions.

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Key Insights

The research report details the development of a brain-reading interrogation technique by Dr. Grayson and her team, which is capable of extracting memories and intentions from subjects. The technology, known as Ed or BR (Brain Reader), is linked to a comprehensive crime database and can identify recognition patterns in the brain. The report includes a case study where the technology was used to prevent a terrorist attack, highlighting the process of tracking suspects, identifying their plans, and ultimately stopping them. The report also touches on the potential broader applications of the technology in areas such as mental health and driver education, as well as the ethical considerations of its use.

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Last modified: 2024/04/09 18:03 by elizabethherfel