FIC and Africa

This report explores global trends and uncertainties up to 2040, focusing on economic, social, and environmental impacts.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

institute for economic research on innovation

Authors: Rasigan Maharajh
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Global, Africa


The research method involved analyzing various global scenarios, statistical data, and projections from multiple sources, including international organizations and think tanks. It synthesized information on demographic trends, economic growth, technological innovation, and geopolitical shifts to forecast potential future outcomes.

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Key Insights

The report examines potential global futures up to 2040, analyzing key drivers such as demographics, natural resources, technology, and governance. It assesses current achievements, like GDP growth, and uncertainties that could shape the world, including climate change and technological advancements. The research highlights the importance of local and regional actions, the role of children in shaping the future, and the need for new metrics to measure progress. It also emphasizes the significance of Africa's political and economic evolution and its impact on global dynamics.

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Last modified: 2024/05/30 17:35 by elizabethherfel