Food for 2050: how can sustainability stay on the menu?

The report examines the sustainability of the global food system by 2050 and proposes solutions to balance supply and demand, address volatility, end hunger, reduce emissions, and maintain biodiversity.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Prof. J F Muir
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Global, European Union, Former Soviet Union, Northwestern Europe, Sub-saharan Africa, Nile Catchment, China, India, Brazil


The research method involved commissioning international driver reviews across production, resource, and market sectors; regional studies on key global systems; reviews on agricultural innovation and specific innovations; workshops; and modeling of demand, prices, and climate change scenarios.

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Key Insights

This comprehensive report from the UK Foresight Global Food and Farming Project explores the challenges facing the global food system, including the need to feed a growing population sustainably, address food price volatility, end hunger, mitigate climate change impacts, and preserve biodiversity. It highlights the interconnectedness of these issues and the necessity for a radical redesign of the food system. The report emphasizes the importance of sustainable intensification, reducing waste, managing demand, improving governance, and investing in research and development to increase food supply while minimizing environmental impacts. It also discusses the role of political leadership and international cooperation in achieving these goals.

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Last modified: 2024/05/30 17:50 by elizabethherfel