Food security and global environmental change: emerging challenges

The report examines the complex relationship between global environmental change and food security, emphasizing the need for an integrated food system approach beyond agricultural yields.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Diana M. Liverman, John S.i. Ingram, Polly J. Ericksen, Polly J. Ericksen, John S.i. Ingram, Diana M. Liverman
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved analyzing presentations and discussions from an international conference on “Food Security and Environmental Change,” reviewing existing literature, and identifying key emerging research areas for food system adaptation to global environmental change.

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Key Insights

This report discusses the challenges of ensuring food security in the face of global environmental changes such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation. It critiques the narrow focus on agricultural production in current research and advocates for a holistic food system approach that considers factors like trade, governance, and food system activities from production to consumption. The report highlights six key research areas, including the need for technological and policy solutions, understanding trade-offs, exploring under-researched areas, developing specific scenarios for food security, addressing price variability, and examining food system governance. It emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary research and policy integration to adapt food systems to environmental changes and maintain food security.

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Last modified: 2024/05/30 17:51 by elizabethherfel