Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2012

This report examines key issues and events that are important for Africa's economic, political, and social development in 2012. It highlights the top priorities for the continent, including tackling corruption, managing oil resources, addressing inequality, and dealing with insecurity and counter-insurgency.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Brookings Institution
Authors: Anne Kamau, Carlene Van Der Westhuizen, Jessica Smith, John M. Mbaku, John Olatunji Adeoti, Julius Agbor, Nelipher Moyo, Olumide Taiwo, Richard Joseph, Stephen N. Karingi, Vera Songwe, John Olatunji Adeoti, Julius Agbor, Mbaye Diene, Richard Joseph, Anne Kamau Stephen N. Karingi, Mwangi S. Kimenyi, John M. Mbaku, Nelipher Moyo, John, Mwangi S. Kimenyi
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method used in this report involves a comprehensive review of existing literature, data analysis, and expert insights to identify and prioritize the key issues facing Africa in 2012.

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Key Insights

The report provides a detailed analysis of the challenges facing Africa in 2012, such as corruption, mismanagement of oil resources, rising inequality, and insecurity. It discusses the International Criminal Court process in Kenya, the general elections, the implementation of a devolved constitution, and the war on Al-Shabaab as critical factors that will influence Kenya's future.

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Last modified: 2024/05/30 18:07 by elizabethherfel