Foresight - Trends and drivers of obesity: A literature review for the Foresight project on obesity

This report examines the multifaceted causes of obesity, exploring social, technological, economic, environmental, and political drivers. It evaluates current trends, potential future scenarios, and the complexity of interventions needed to reverse obesity rates.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

foresight programme of the office of science and technology

Authors: Foresight Programme Of The Office Of Science And Technology
Geographic focus: United Kingdom


The research methodology involved a literature review of existing studies on obesity, focusing on trends, drivers, and potential interventions. It included analysis of data and forecasts, as well as consideration of various future scenarios.

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Key Insights

The research provides a comprehensive analysis of obesity, considering its social, technological, economic, environmental, and political aspects. It delves into the causes, current state, and future projections of obesity prevalence, highlighting the need for multifaceted interventions and the challenges of implementing effective solutions.

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Last modified: 2024/05/30 18:38 by elizabethherfel